Sunday, March 20, 2005

Too many things have happened

Well , hi people.

I am a bit blur at the moment. I feel like there is a lot of things to say here since a lot of things have happened. But i just do not know where to start.

It really has been a long time these last few weeks. i got into 3 problems involving the car. Yes we shall talk about this man.

The first one you can refer to my post "The longest day of my life". The second one involving the water pump u guys have to just read the "Working Guy!~~" to roughly know what had happened. The latest one was even worse. I was going to PJ Civic Centre to pass my sister something and get something back from her. I was at the last turn into PJ Civic Centre, I turned left to go in and a motorcycle crashed into my left passenger side and the 2 Malay guys went flying. The rider gut lotsa cuts on his hand. I sent him to the clinic cause it was more to my fault for not signalling earlier before turning in. Sigh. RM50 to patch the guy up. RM120 for the motorcycle.

I really hope everything passes with these 3 accidents. No more man. All 3 times the cost was on the old Ford which belongs to my dad. I really do not want him to think i am out to destroy his car. A few days back actually the first incident almost happened again. I was back on the KLIA highway and damn hell that highway can really make me sleepy. Luckily, i wasn't so tired to start off with.

Hmmnn....i was going to continue on with my post, but my mum called and i need to be ready in 20 minutes to go to do something. So well, i shall continue in a future post.


1 comment:

morb said...

BOO~!! just wanted to leave a mark here.. ehehe.. see ya amitabh

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