Saturday, January 13, 2007

Step 1: The GMAT

Hey guys,

This is the where the interesting part starts. Henceforth, the blog will cater to the general knowledge of all that come in to this site. Be it my family that supported me throughout these years, my darling best buddies, my dear Westportians or my new ISB batchmates.

I will be posting regularly to update everybody about my progress in life. Let's start with the GMAT. Paying for my GMAT was my very first HSBC Visa transaction. Not even 5 minutes had passed when a representative from HSBC called me to make sure I'm still holding the Card in my hand. Yup, it costs a lot in MYR. Close to 1k.

Following this, I got my follow-up materials a few weeks down the line just before my exam appointment. I got to complete one mock test after installing a specialised software on the day before the test. At that point, I was beginning to get a little befuddled due to the total new approach this exam was using to hammer at my mind. I've never tried for any MBA courses before this. I don't have anybody in my family who tried out the GMAT to attempt a Masters overseas. Nope, No cousins, no uncles nor brilliant aunts who stepped away from the shores of Malaysia. The friends who attempted are all already years out of contact after they made it overseas. (Sorry William, I know you're an exception ;P ). Effectively, no guide. I tried the second mock-test in between waking up and going to the exam in the afternoon. I have to admit I didn't complete the second mock test.

Arrived at the exam venue at KL Sentral. Saw a cute chinese girl that was holding a book and I surmised she would be the candidate before me. Took a quick glance at the wierd text book she was cradling. "GMAT" . I maintained an air of calm confidence, yet inside I was feeling the edge of an icy cold knife twisting. "GOD DAMN IT!! This exam has a TEXT BOOK??? And it's THAT thick?? These were some of the milder questions with the louder incessant background hum of " I'm so dead....I'm so dead...MY RM900+"

Well, I took the 15 minute time in between her going in and my time to go in by praying. HARD! Cleared my mind. Prayed that I won't panic and I would be able to attempt all questions at full concentration. Went in and attempted the GMAT. Of course I was quite confident I would be able to score along the mid-regions of 700 until before I saw that text book the gal was holding. After that, I left it to God and Dato' Seri Guruji.

End score 620/800. Requirements at ISB is 600+ (Whew!) I did score 5.5/6.0 for the Written part. It must have helped. I cannot remember the topic now but I do remember it being something that I could analyse well and provide strong viewpoints. I was still disappointed with my scores since my dad told me to score 700+ for the GMAT. The only consolation for that was when Duke University sent me a prospectus encouraging me to apply to their course. Coincidentally, my dad had just read a weekend newspaper report on the top business schools worldwide. Duke University was rated No.4 there.

I was focused though. ISB was my only choice and I sat for my GMAT only because ISB required the scores for an admission. So, at the screen right after my GMAT was completed I entered only ISB as the direct recipient of my GMAT scores....

Step 1: completed...

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