Saturday, April 16, 2005

Physics is a mind-twister

Hey guys,

It started out just another day. I was up and chatting, eating and doing little chores. About 9pm Zack asked me to go to the nearby mamak. It was set at 10pm and that's where i ended up until about 12:45am having my dinner/supper.

Well, it was one of the times when Zack and I were both on fire in the mental juices department. Something was cooking and after simmering in our minds, the ideas just started overflowing. I mean we were talking about stuff on TV and Zack was updating us about the greatest battleship ever built; the Japanese-made "YAMATO" based on the documentary he watched in ASTRO.

At one point, we were talking about aeroplanes and we all agreed that the SR-71 BlackBird is the most interesting piece of machinery ever built. Flying at about 85,000 feet (16 miles from the ground), the BlackBird can achieve speeds of about 3.2+Mach. Following planes, we were talking about the declining Dollar value, and some other stuff.

The most interesting part came after that when we were talking about planes and the guys were letting me know that AirForce actually capable of sustaining a space travel trip if the pilot really got them out of the atmosphere. This let us into thinking about the radiation levels humans have to endure in space due to the lack of an ozone layer.

I was explaining to them about the whole thing that is to do with gamma rays which are actually
very potent and they need a lot of shielding to be protected. Somehow the conversation got extrapolated and were actually trying to think as to why light behaves as a wave, yet it can be propogated through a medium-less vacuum. Zack mentioned, "What if the vacuum is vacuum but not completely devoid of matter. There is actually something there in vacuum that us as normal humans cannot percieve. Kudos to Zack....for this interesting thought; that caused me to continue by thinking of the gravitational fields and how it can be fitted inside.

Honestly, i would love nothing more than to mention further in detail how we came by our theory, but i am dead tired and i feel like i could doze off anytime. So, guess things have to wait a bit for the moment. Happy Graduation for the rest of u ..take care, guys!!~

1 comment:

Obsius said...

waves behave as waves only in the presence of a medium of transfer. Light itself is not a wave, nor is it a particle. Quantum physics pretty much claims that light behaves 'like' a wave in certain cases and 'like' a particle in another instance... it neva claims light to be both a wave and a particle *haha, smart scientists*

now a random theory: sound does not travel in vacuum, right? y? some will say becoz it is a wave, hence it needs a medium to propagate through. How do you explain radio transmission then? Radio transmissions (to me) are also waves *shocked*. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

anyway, the point I'm making is vacuum is rarely PURE vacuum. The mere fact that light is travelling through vacuum implies that photons and neutrinos and what-not are moving in the vacuum. Isn't that a medium of transfer ready to be exploited? *scratch head*

well, my deduction is that the frequency of motion for light-based particles are extremely high and pretty much would negate interference of external waves that try to imbue themselves upon it. Or in another context, the density of the particles at a given moment is too low and the motion too fast for sound waves to 'imprint' themselves onto these particles. I suppose if that is 'plausible', then it would explain why radio waves have better luck coz their higher frequency probably allows assimilation into the particles' frequency map. *think about it*

of course, if anyone knows the REAL explanation to these phenomenons, please save us from the misery of making complete fools of ourselves *hahaha*

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